Smartwatch reset sony 3 hard - Please help us improve

Smartwatch reset sony 3 hard - Please help us improve our website

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smartwatch reset sony 3 hard

I've had it for 3 weeks Yes, a Christmas present and during that time I have had 2 or 3 episodes where it has hung stops responding and time display is frozenOn these occasions I have always been able to reboot with the power button.

Today however it again froze, but this time I was completely unable to reset it - holding the power button down for ages had no effect whatsoever.

smartwatch reset sony 3 hard

Some minutes later it powered on again normally.I am suspicious about the watch face I have been using - it is the 'Speeds Pro' which I find almost ideal, but I am now wondering if it could be this that causes the freezes?

On previous occasions when I have rebooted from frozen state it has shown: I have now reverted to the basic Sony analogue offering to hopefully get some stability, but really it is too basic for my tastes!

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Is there any other way of doing a reset in such circumstances? Hi and welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.That should have worked.If you hold it for a while it should vibrate 3 times and power off.

Smartwatch reset sony 3 hard Smart watches for women

If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Smartwatch reset sony 3 hard guidelines.If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.Hi, thanks for your swift response.

I tried PC Companion but it reports: In case this issue should remain and especially if you are unable to force a shutdown i would recommend that you contact a service location to have this checked.Just a quick note to say I've had similar issues.

Normally I can reboot with the button, but today that didn't work.I've also suspected the watch face, but I've had it happen with a few of them.I can often see the backlight come on, but the display shows nothing.

Really seems like everyting in the watch is working, except for the display.Looks like the thing to do is contact Sony support, but I thought I'd offer my "me, too!

Cannot reset SW3 ;(

Same thing happend to me today.I have had this same issue on numerous occassions.It first started as everyone has said by freezing and being able to reboot.However the last two times the power button has been no help.

smartwatch reset sony 3 hard

The watch eventually used all the battery by 4: So whatever the watch was doing it had high battery load.At the time i had facer watch face on that i designed with pretty basic digital display.The last freeze time was about a fortnight ago with pretty much the same settings.

I was at work which was rather annoying as i need my watch so i had to keep getting my Z1 phone out.

Smartwatch 3 - Frozen for several hours and unable to reboot - Support forum

I have had this several times now, It got that bad with my last Smartwatch 3 I sent off to Amazon for a repair, this was replaced with a brand new one and again the same issues, replaced again incase I was really unlucky and nope same problem again.

I am on my third and this one is still doing the smartwatch reset sony 3 hard.It almost like the watch overheats does it a lot whilst smartwatch reset sony 3 hard the GPS running or simply has some sort of software issue.

Its a massive shame as I love the watch and feel Sony really got it right only missing a HRM but I can live with that this gen.I will stick with it a couple more months with hope that a software revision finally fixes the issue as never had the problem on day one of the SW3 being released but it seems to have got worse with recent google wear updates.

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Cannot reset SW3 ;( | Sony Smartwatch 3

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Smartwatch 3 - Frozen for several hours and unable to reboot.Read tips from the community here.Message 1 of I have just had an uncomfortably close shave with my new Smartwatch SWR!

07.02.2019 - You have a few options: You must be employed by or broken, we'll replace it.Find Phones by Network att.Almost all phones have both waterproof - 'Only' HD screen.As well as being super-sharp, Points are divided.

Phone is LG G3 [Android 5.Message 2 of Sorry to hear that you're having issues with your Smartwatch 3.Message 3 of Message 4 of Message 5 of Message 6 of HI, have the same problem with my Smartwatch 3 too.Had several freezes before mostly during sports tracking with Endomondo but could restart it with the long button press.

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Now the watch is frozen and does not react to the button presses.Feels warmer then usual.Hopefully battery runs out quick and the watch restarts as soon as it is charging: I use Facer as watch face.

smartwatch reset sony 3 hard

Message 7 of Message 8 of I hope Sony can figure a fix.Message 9 of Again using a standard face that comes on the watch it froze and luckily it turned off and restarted.Message 10 of This website uses cookies.