India smart watch in - Smartwatch Here are a few of the scams

India smart watch in - Smartwatch

Here are a few of the scams in India that we either encountered or heard about during our travels through the country and hopefully will help you when you travel to India or another developing country in the world.

There are many scams that happen in India smart watch in, but if you arm yourself with a little knowledge and keep an eye out for the signs, you can enjoy your time traveling through the sub continent.Don't get too hung up on worrying about the scams, this post is to give you the information you need to enjoy your time in this most fascinating country on earth.

Prepaid taxis — This is the most common scam you will find throughout India.

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You have arrived at the airport or train india smart watch in.You are exhausted and it is the middle of the night.Rickshaw and taxi drivers approach you before you barely have time to get off the platform and offer their services to take you to a hotel.

They will tell you that the prepaid booth is closed, or that there isn't one there.Don't let them pressure you.

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Take your time to look around and ask the right people where the prepaid taxi booth is.You will pay a fair price to your hotel of choice and avoid being overcharged india smart watch in taken to the wrong destination.For your safety take the prepaid taxi.

Especially if you are new to the country.Keep your receipt from the booth and don't give it to the driver until you have arrived at your destination.That is his receipt for payment from the company and your insurance that you will get to where you are going.

Drivers for hire — Probably the most subtle scam in India.You never even realized that you are being scammed until it is too late and you are stuck with your driver.You are overwhelmed with the distances and navigating the country.

Many people approach tourists fresh off the plane, or even worse, Taxi drivers not prepaid of course will take you to a tourist office enroute to your hotel where you will be fed a high india smart watch in sales pitch to buy a driver for your time in India.

Even if you are considering a driver, don't go with these guys.They are scam artists and will over charge profusely.

Top Scams to Watch out for in India | The Planet D

They won't take you to your destination and you may end up on the wrong side of town.Take a prepaid taxi from the airport or train station they won't stop at one of these fly by night places.We met a couple that fell for this scam right off the plane and were stuck paying an exorbitant amount of money for a driver for one week.

Needless to say, they were not happy, but india smart watch in was too late.If a rickshaw driver offers you a ride for a price that sounds too good to be true, it is.He is most likely going to take you around to gem shops and india smart watch in shops.

He will take you everywhere but where you want to go and collect a commission from all of the shop owners.You are better off to negotiate a reasonable price that you are willing to pay.

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If they suggest a market or shop along the way, reply with a firm no.It starts with a hello, whats your name, where are you from when you arrive at the train station or tourist site.You say you don't need a india smart watch in or a guide.

They say they are not a guide or driver, they just want to help.Believe me, it is rare that anyone will offer you help out of the blue.

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They want something and you will soon find yourself following them to a india smart watch in office instead of the actual ticket booth or office that you asked them directions to.When people approach you on the street or in the train station, politely tell them no or shake your head.

They are not helping, they are trying to lead you astray.We all know that booking trains can be tough in India.If you don't know, you india smart watch in read more at our post Figuring out India Rail.You often have to book weeks in advance to be guaranteed a seat.

That is why Dave and I simply go to the train station, buy a general ticket and then upgrade when we see the train captain on the platform.This has worked well for us.During our last ride from Agra to Delhi we encountered fake train captains.

Luckily we had traveled this route before, so when they asked us for Rupees each for the upgrade, we said no.We knew that the upgrade was only This happened 2 more times before the real captain came to check our tickets.

We didn't realize the other guys were fakes, we just knew that they were charging too much.

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India smart watch in had on blue jackets, just like the train captain.They had a receipt book to give us a receipt and they seemed very official.But after the real captain came, we noticed the differences.

Here is what you need to look out for.If a group of official guys come to ask for your ticket and then ask for money for the upgrade, but doesn't look at any of the local passengers tickets, you can guarantee that it is a scam.

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The scam artists are targeting tourists, the train captain checks everyone's india smart watch in.See more about train travel in India.Tours — Using a Similar Company Name.Looks legitimate, but it's a scam.We heard a story from a nice couple.

They followed him and it looked very official indeed.Their office was only a word off from the official tourist site.They then sold them a 6 day car hire for Euros.They didn't have time to think and bought the tour.

See what’s next.

They told us that they didn't know if it was a scam or not because they got what they paid for, a driver, driving them around Rajasthan.But Euro's for 6 days is an out of control price for a driver in India.We didn't encounter anyone that was happy with their driver, ourselves included Read here at Car Hire India, What were we thinking?

There are many other scams in India I am sure, these are the ones that we encountered or heard first hand accounts about, does anyone else have some other tips or advice on what to watch out for? Not only will you get Our 50 Favorite Travel Photos ebook, but you'll be subscribed to our monthly newsletter.

We want to help you plan your next adventure and realize your potential.And I think I was even aproached by a member of a foreign intelligence service posing as a student.One in particular was a figurative india smart watch in.

Another chased me down to return money that I india smart watch in after a few too many.

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You never know for sure how things india smart watch in out until they do.It was our first trip to that city and I suppose we looked a bit starry eyed while walking down the Malecon to the old city.We had just eaten breakfast.

My partner finished his business and we continued to head toward the old colonial city.Luckily, about this time, a policial came walking by.

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PS I love Santo Domingo! SPF 15 will do nothing.My Mexican couchsurfing host said that he was never bothered by touts in India.And I was mistaken as a local all the time too.A lot When I […].Thanks for the advice.Never a dull moment though.

Very true Andrew, I think that there could be an entire book written about the scams.The taxi scam is very common and the more comfortable you get in India the easier it is to let your guard down and get duped.

Thinking I could cheat a cheater almost got me in a very sticky situation the second time I was in India.That is great advice Anil.You are absolutely right, india smart watch in longer you are in India, the more india smart watch in you become and end up getting scammed that much more.

What happens if they run into the real train captains? Do they get arrested or removed from the train or do folks just turn a blind eye? That is a good question.

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We told the train captain about it when he came, but he just laughed.Either he already knows about it.Is in on it, or knows that there is nothing he can do about it.I think that people just turn a blind eye.

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Taking extra precaution really is necessity for us specially travelling new places, thanks for you advice, More Power and GB.What do you know? Really, truly appreciate this post because my first stop will be India on a volunteer mission.

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I got scammed when i arrived in Mumbai — it was the middle of the night I was on my own and there were about a million people outside the airport.That is an honest mistake.