Iphone app smartwatch sony - Previously, we covered a nifty

Iphone app smartwatch sony -

Previously, we covered a nifty hack that let you use an Android Wear smartwatch with iOS, but that functionality was severely limited—to the point where all you could do was receive very few notifications and answer phone calls.

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Now that Android Wear is officially available on iOS, we're going to show you how it works with the Motoone of the handful of Android watches that is unofficially compatible with the iphone app smartwatch sony companion app.

Before we get into setting everything up, it's important that you meet the following requirements:.In order to set up a watch to your iPhone, you'll need the watch to be updated to the latest software.You can do this by connecting the watch to an Android device and updating it that way.

iPhone and Smartwatch 3 with Wear OS app

If you don't have an Android smartphone, ask a friend to borrow theirs or use an Android tablet if that's available.To pair the watch, the process is as simple as going on your iPhone, opening Android Wear, and doing the following: Once everything is set up, customize iphone app smartwatch sony watch face either from the Android Wear app on iOS or directly from the Android Wear smartwatch.

On the Android Wear app, you can swipe through the stock watch faces, as well as view and download third-party ones, which can all be downloaded for free.While you can't access the third party watch faces directly on the watch, you can hold down on your current watch face to bring up the handful of other stock ones, which iphone app smartwatch sony can swipe through, customize, and select.

iphone app smartwatch sony

As long as notifications are enabled for your apps on iOS, you'll receive them on the Android Wear as well.A preview of the latest notification will appear on the watch face, which you can then swipe up on to read the full extent of.

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Keep swiping down to view notifications for other apps.Unfortunately, if you swipe left on most notifications, they will not be interactive.Swiping right will dismiss them, but that's the full extent of what you can do.

iphone app smartwatch sony

Only the stock weather and health apps, as well as a few proprietary Google apps such as Gmail—where you can archive, delete, and reply to emails — will have interactive notifications when you swipe left.Play Music notifications are also interactive, allowing you to change between songs as well as control the volume.

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From the watch face, you can say "OK Google" to trigger voice input, where you can set reminders, alarms, and timers, show health related information, view your agenda for the day, and manage a stopwatch.You can also use other popular commands to bring up things such as sports scores, the weather, when a certain important date is, and perform simple math equations.

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Basically, anything Google Now can doyou can do.If you say "OK Google" followed by a keyword, you'll get Google search results with popular news iphone app smartwatch sony and top hits.Tap on one of them and it will send a notification to your smartphone, where you can then open the web page inside of the Android Wear app to view.

Although this is the official version of Android Wear for iOS, the functionality is still pretty limited for older Wear device.

iphone app smartwatch sony

The majority of notifications are not interactive, which would be nice to have for apps such as Twitter, Facebook, and other social media.I would really only suggest checking out Android Wear if you've already have an Android watch that's compatible or if you're looking for a cheap alternative to the Apple Watch.

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Functionality will definitely increase in the future, but for now, if you can pony up enough money for the most inexpensive Apple Watch, I would get it if you're that inclined to get a wearable.Otherwise, wait to see how Android Wear works with the new slew of devices that will be released in the coming months.

iphone app smartwatch sony

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